Test environment
- UbuntuStudio 14.04 amd64
- Blender 2.70 64 bits
- Graphics processor: GEForce GTX 750 ti
- Nvidia driver version 337.12 (xorg-edgers ppa)
- CPU: Core i7 4770
Installation of nvidia-337-uvm
1. Install x-edgers ppa 337.12 nvidia driver from https://launchpad.net/~xorg-edgers/+archive/ppa
UPDATE: The latest nvidia-337-uvm_337.19-0ubuntu1~xedgers14.04.1_amd64.deb version from the xorg-edgers ppa archives had commented out the patch in the dkms.conf so there is no need to install my mod. Just install the xorg-edgers version.
3. copy 60-nvidia-uvm.rules (in the zip file above) to /etc/udev/rules.d/
note: this is an implementation of the solution posted at https://devtalk.nvidia.com/default/topic/699610/334-21-driver-returns-999-on-cuinit-cuda-/?offset=6
4. add nvidia and nvidia-uvm to list of modules in /etc/modules
5. reboot your computer
Installation of sm_50 cuda kernel in blender 2.70
3. Download Jucyfruit's precompiled cuda kernel for linux at http://martijnberger.nl/file/2.70_sm50.tar.gz . (see in context http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?327909-Cycles-NVidia-MAXWELL-Benchmarks&p=2602924&viewfull=1#post2602924)
Copy the X86_64/kernel_sm_50.cubin to blender-2.70-linux-glibc211-x86_64/2.70/scripts/addons/cycles/lib/