Saturday, May 2, 2015

Notes on building High Fidelity VR Platform on Ubuntu 15.04

I'm trying to use High Fidelity for a LAN based sim project but
I could not find updated build instructions for High Fidelity ( so I'm documenting my notes on what worked for me.

This is for Ubuntu Vivid Vervet because it has QT 5.4.1 that is needed by the recent High Fidelity.

Note that I've already built  Rift DK2'S Oculus SDK for Linux version ( but I have not tried it yet with the HiFi interface while writing these notes.

BTW. I'm using UbuntuStudio.

1. Install dependencies

I just mashed up a couple of online references so I really don't know if all the dependency packages listed are needed. The ones highlighted are what I found needed but not in the existing docs while building from git:

sudo apt-get install git build-essential cmake qt5-default qtscript5-dev libssl-dev qttools5-dev qttools5-dev-tools qtmultimedia5-dev libqt5svg5-dev libqt5webkit5-dev libsdl2-dev libasound2 libxmu-dev libxi-dev freeglut3-dev libasound2-dev libjack-jackd2-dev libxrandr-dev libqt5xmlpatterns5-dev libqt5xmlpatterns5 libqt5xmlpatterns5-private-dev qml-module-qtquick-controls libqt5qml-graphicaleffects qml-module-qtwebkit libqt5webkit5-qmlwebkitplugin libglew-dev libqt5websockets5-dev libqt5websockets5


2. Download the stable release of HiFi

mkdir $HOME/source
cd $HOME/source
git clone

3. Run cmake

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ../hifi/

4. To build server parts  

make assignment-client
make domain-server

5. To build the interface
make interface

6. Run the domain-server, assignment-client then interface in order
open a terminal
cd ~/source/build/domain-server

open another terminal tab
 cd ~/source/build/assignment-client

open a third terminal tab
cd ~/source/build/interface

There will be some warnings but it does not seem to affect the interface:
[WARNING] [05/02 07:59:51] Cannot open file '/home/dilis/source/build/resources/images/close.svg', because: No such file or directory
[WARNING] [05/02 07:59:51] Cannot open file '/home/dilis/source/build/resources/images/close.svg', because: No such file or directory
[WARNING] [05/02 07:59:51] Cannot open file '/home/dilis/source/build/resources/images/login.svg', because: No such file or directory
[WARNING] [05/02 07:59:51] Cannot open file '/home/dilis/source/build/resources/images/login.svg', because: No such file or directory

The following said it was resolved:

But when I grep'ed the warnings appear to be due to:


line 194
         <property name="icon">

and line 431
           <property name="icon">
           <property name="iconSize">

Maybe deleting these or correcting the paths will resolve the issue but I have not tried it yet.

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